Last updated: 25 May 2021


A warm welcome to all visitors to the website, including all of its content, affiliated trademarks, and subdomains. We kindly request that you read our Terms of Use before using our services to make sure you are completely informed of your rights and duties. By accessing or using the website, you hereby agree to be governed by the terms and conditions stated in these Terms of Use, which also govern our Privacy Policy. Establishing a legally binding contract between our organisation and the person to whom it is intended is the aim of this agreement. Unless it was legally forbidden to give up the right to obtain genuine signatures or hard copies of papers. Users are urged not to use or access the website in order to avoid any legal responsibilities that these conditions may impose.

1. Modification.

You acknowledge and agree that we may change these Terms at any time, without prior notice. The aforementioned changes shall take effect ten (10) days after the updated Terms are posted on the Site. If you decide to use the Site after this time, you accept the updated Terms.

2. Ability to Accept Terms.

This website is only accessible to users who are sixteen years of age or older. We respectfully ask that anyone under the age of sixteen not use this website.

3. Access to the Site.

Users are allowed to access and use the Site for the duration that is specified in these Terms, provided that they strictly abide by these Terms and all applicable legal responsibilities.

4. Limitations and Restrictions.

Without special written authorization from the appropriate authorities, it is expressly prohibited to engage in any activity related to the reproduction, distribution, display, mirroring, framing, or modification of any part of the Site, Content, or Marks (as defined below). Furthermore, you are not permitted to use, alter, make derivative works from, transmit (including, but not limited to, sale, resale, licencing, sublicensing, downloading, or any other method), copy, distribute, display, or lend Content (as defined in the following section) unless expressly permitted in this document. Users are strongly discouraged from using any automated programme, algorithm, technique, or strategy that could impair the functionality of the Site or its services.

5. Intellectual Property Rights.

5.1. References and Text.

There are many different types of components that make up the website, such as text, picture galleries, photos, audio files, video presentations, computer code, artwork, brand names, logos, music, and interactive elements. The aforementioned materials are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties; they are commonly referred to as "Materials". These resources are conserved by their methodical organisation, meticulous curation, efficient coordination, clear presentation, visually beautiful exhibition, and general arrangement.

User-contributed content, trademarks, service marks, and logos are among the elements of the website that are owned, managed, or licenced by This website's references to intellectual property are owned by or its related organisations. This comprises identifiable symbols and components, such the logo of the website. The website complies with permissible usage guidelines by using the trademarks, service marks, and logos of their respective owners.

Owing to reserved rights, the Site and its Content are further protected beyond what is stated openly.

5.2. Use of Content.

The information and materials on this website are provided solely for personal use and aid in the goal of information collection. It is strictly forbidden to use, alter, copy, distribute, transmit, publicly display, commercialise, licence, decompile, reverse engineer, or otherwise utilise the content for any reason other than personal use without first obtaining written approval. Furthermore, it is completely forbidden to create derivative works from the original.

Preserving copyright and other property notices is essential when posting or downloading information.

6. Third-Party Sources and Content.

6.1. Through the platform, users can access, retrieve, communicate with, and use information from third parties over which we neither control nor own. This content is commonly referred to as "Third Party Content" (as defined below).

Coordination and communication with multiple external sources are made easier by our platform. The sources fall into two different categories: (i) third-party websites and services that are not associated with our company; and (ii) our partners and customers. Through the platform, an individual can interact with both types of easily accessible sources.

6.2. We have no control over the content and actions provided by Third Party Sources.

It is important to understand that we have no responsibility for the actions, rules, privacy policies, service guidelines, or content of other websites. It is advised that you carefully review each source's terms of service and privacy statement before creating a hyperlink.

6.3. Therefore, it is said that we release ourselves from all obligation and categorically disavow any guarantees for the truthfulness, suitability, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights (as hereafter defined) of any content supplied by a third party or associated with us.

6.4. When using the Site, users could encounter Third Party Content, which might include false information, offensive or inappropriate content, or objectionable content.

When it comes to choosing whether to use content from third parties or communicate with third parties, people have the ability to make their own decisions. The decision of whether or not to interact with a third party source and whether or not to trust the information they provide is entirely up to the user. The option's inherent risks are acknowledged, as is the user's complete responsibility for them.

6.5. The user has all risk and legal liability for any interaction with a Third Party Source.

Users acknowledge and accept that by using this website, they freely give up any rights they may have to compensation or other remedies against Additionally, users agree to release from any liability arising from their use of, connection to, and participation in Third Party Sources of Content. If users have any questions or complaints about Third Party Content or Third Party Sources, they should get in touch with the Third Party Source directly.

7. User Submissions.

7.1. Responsibility.

The principal aim of this website is to enable users to submit, share, distribute, and publish content, either on their own behalf or on behalf of others (referred to as "User Submissions"). It is important to recognise that confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, regardless of the degree of publishing connected with a User Submission. The person submitting the content assumes full responsibility for their User Submissions and all ramifications from uploading, publishing, or posting.

The website has the authority to decide whether to publish user contributions. Moreover, it can supervise, control, change, remove, or alter any content, including user inputs, at its own discretion, without warning, and for a variety of reasons.

7.2. Ownership.

By using our platform, users hereby declare and explicitly confirm that they are the lawful owners of any intellectual property connected to their user contributions or that they have the necessary permissions and rights to do so. Additionally, by doing this, you give us permission to incorporate and apply your suggestions in accordance with the terms specified in our business agreement. The word "content" refers to a wide range of information, including user-contributed content. "Intellectual property rights" is a general term that includes a number of rights, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, and other related types. Moreover, it includes rights related to publicity, privacy, ethics, and any other comparable rights recognised by the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of any country or the globe, in addition to those that are subject to laws or rules. They keep the user-generated content as their sole possession.

7.3. License to User Submissions.

The creator of a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free licence is the user-generated material on Regarding the operation of the website and the business ventures undertaken by, the licence it provides permits the replication, dissemination, display, and performance of user material, including the creation of derivative works. The website has the right to distribute user contributions in full or in part via a variety of media platforms and formats, including any updated versions.

Users of the Site may revoke any moral rights in User Submissions in compliance with any applicable legal limitations. In compliance with the limitations outlined in these Terms, the user permits individuals who visit or use the Site to use, copy, distribute, make derivative works from, display, and perform the User Submissions.

7.4. Prohibited Content.

We kindly ask users not to display, distribute, post, transmit, or publish any User Submission related to the following categories in order to preserve the integrity and equity of the platform:

(i) In every jurisdiction, unfair or misleading behaviour is considered a violation of consumer protection legislation.

(ii) Unless the user has the proper consent, violating third-party property rights such as privacy and publicity rights is considered a violation. This covers violations of trade secrets, copyright, and related laws.

(iii) Puts in jeopardy an individual's bodily autonomy and health, undermines the stability and protection of national security, impedes the advancement of a law enforcement investigation, or imperils public safety and welfare.

The act of taking on the identity of another is practiced by the individual.

(v) The person encourages the use of drugs that are illegal, contravenes export laws, participates in illegal gaming, or is connected to the illegal sale of firearms.

(vi) The person engages in inappropriate and illegal behaviour, such as coercive, libellous, defamatory, sexually explicit, harassing, or discriminatory actions against specific racial or ethnic groups. They also support criminal behaviour, civil culpability, and illegal behaviour.

(vii) Indicates instances of terrorism or theft.

(viii) Includes any behaviour that is deemed malicious or immoral.

It is important to understand that any User Submission that meets any of these requirements will be disregarded, and further actions might be taken.

7.5. The state of Exposure.

When using the Site, users could come across User Submissions that come from a variety of sources. It is important to note that is not responsible for the accuracy, appropriateness, protection, or preservation of intellectual property rights with relation to user submissions. Certain user submissions may contain unwanted components, unpleasant information, mistakes, or sexual content. You renounce any legal or equitable claims or remedies you may have against with regard to these subjects by accepting these conditions.

8. Description of Information.

Despite the hard work of our staff to assure you of the correctness, reliability, and completeness of the content available on our website, we are unable to guarantee it. We have the right to change the Content at any time without giving prior notice. Liabilities and hazards that are specific to the user arise from using any part of the content. This kind of understanding is necessary.

9. Disclosure.

It is necessary to acknowledge that the organisation possesses the authority to receive, review, store, and divulge any data gathered from your correspondence and interactions with the website. Use this strategy only when it is thought to be reasonably required to accomplish the following goals:

(i) To ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, court orders, subpoenas, or official investigations.

(ii) Look into possible violations of the rules governing our website.

(iii) This section's goal is to identify, address, or prevent instances of fraud or security issues, together with any related technology challenges.

Enough support is needed to maximise the resolution of client issues and help.

Adequate security measures must be put in place to protect the rights, welfare, and belongings of users of as well as the public at large.

Understanding how important it is to protect privacy is essential, since protecting people's personal data is our top priority. We guarantee that only the minimal amount of information necessary to comply with our privacy statement will be retrieved about you.

10. Links.

10.1. Users can contribute user-generated material to external websites that are not under the supervision or affiliation of the website by using the hyperlink capability of the website.

Please be aware that our organisation has no control over the content, privacy practices, or actions of any other website, and we disclaim all liability for them. When using these internet venues, users must use caution and good judgement. The process of choosing which content to publish or post on these sites requires careful consideration. It is imperative to acknowledge that we are not legally responsible for any outcomes that may result from the use of websites owned by third parties. People should be cautious and carefully read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of each external website they choose to access in order to protect their own interests.

10.2. We authorise you to create a hyperlink to our website provided that:

The following rules must be followed while creating hyperlinks to websites:

  1. Using hyperlinks that result in the development of numerous domains on a website is not advised.
  2. It is recommended to use exact hyperlink text that appropriately represents the content of the webpage as it appears.
  3. It is completely forbidden to misrepresent one's association with or to spread false information about the website in question.
  4. It is imperative that you do not recommend or imply that endorses any products or services without first receiving written consent.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to create a hyperlink from a website that infringes upon the rights of individuals or organisations to privacy, intellectual property, or other rights, or that contains offensive or hazardous information.
  6. It is necessary for the user to follow these Terms and have a website.

11. Privacy.

Use of this website is subject to compliance with our privacy statement. If you would like more information about the data we collect and use, please read the policy.

12. Warranty Disclaimers.

12.1. This section is applicable regardless of whether the services on the Site are given away for free or at a cost.

It is possible that none of the guarantees that are listed here are legally compliant.

12.2. The website is made available subject to various conditions and is supplied in its existing state with no warranties implied or explicit.

There are no expressed or implied promises of any kind on this website; content is available as is. Nothing has been updated or altered. clearly states on its website that it makes no warranties of any kind, implied or otherwise. This includes non-violation, merchantability, ownership, fitness for a particular use, and guarantees resulting from regular or permitted commercial operations. The reliability of security features, error-free operation, and protection against virus attacks are not guarantees provided by the website. Periodically, the website could not be accessible because of system updates, regular maintenance, or other technical issues.

The user understands that regardless of whether these issues are with the servers of or those of other organisations, is not liable for any potential effects resulting from server congestion, slow network speeds, or technical difficulties with an internet connection. No third-party products, services, or content are recommended, guaranteed, or offered by this website.

12.3. Users' contributions to the website are not covered by any guarantee or warranty. Moreover, explicitly disclaims any liability with respect to the previously described content and makes no representations as to its reliability or accuracy.

12.4. The user acknowledges that disclaims all liability for any content provided by users, including content that may be deemed offensive, illegal, defamatory, or negligent. The user bears full responsibility for any harm or damage resulting from this activity.

12.5. It is the user's duty to use the resources on the website, including content that they have contributed, and communicate with any listed third parties. By using this website, users acknowledge that disclaims all obligation for any claims or losses arising from disputes with third parties and that it is not liable for any disputes or difficulties that may come from dealings with third parties.

12.6. The safety and security of any information or activity on our website cannot be guaranteed, unless our privacy policy says so explicitly.

12.7. Our company's goal is to provide customers with helpful information about the products and services that are displayed on our website.

More funding sources need to be located in order to offer this information without charge. One example of a smart approach is charging outside companies to be included on our website. A user may be eligible to get payment for visiting these establishments or making purchases. But it's crucial to understand that any money we receive from won't affect the content we publish on our website regarding any particular outside business.

13. Limitation of Liability.

13.1. The website disclaims all liability for any unintentional, consequential, extraordinary, exemplary, or indirect damage, including any loss of data, earnings, capital gains, or reputation arising from your use of the aforementioned website, to the extent permitted by these terms. The obligation limitation described above is implemented to the greatest extent allowed by law, even if has prior knowledge of such losses or damages.

The user may be exempt from the aforementioned limitations in some jurisdictions if there are restrictions on the capacity to limit or disclaim liability for modest or indirect losses.

13.2. By using or not being able to access the previously mentioned website, consents to pay damages up to US $1,000.

14. Indemnity.

The user agrees to indemnify and its affiliated companies, as well as their executives, board members, employees, and agents, against any claims, damages, liabilities, losses, expenses, and charges (including attorney fees) arising from the use of the Site, submission of content, interaction with other users, or violation of these terms.

15. Termination and Term.

The foregoing terms shall remain in effect until terminated by or the user. Without prior warning and at its sole discretion, the website reserves the right to immediately terminate these terms and/or your access to all or any portion of the site in the event that you violate any of these terms. If or any of its component portions are withdrawn, you and anybody else using the website won't be held legally responsible.

If you disagree with any of the terms listed above, if changes are planned, or if you are just not content with the site in any other manner, your sole option is to stop using it right away. When these terms expire, users are expected to stop using the aforementioned website completely. This agreement shall survive the termination of the following: intellectual property rights (Section 5), licence to user submissions (Section 7.3), privacy (Privacy), limitation of liability (Section 12), indemnification (Section 13), independent contractors (Section 16), and general (18).

16. Self-employed Contractors.

This agreement does not create any partnership, joint venture, agency relationship, or employment contract between and the user; rather, the two parties are independent legal entities. Users are advised not to take on any obligations, duties, commitments, or liabilities on behalf of

17. Assignment.

This agreement and all associated rights and permissions cannot be assigned or transferred by the user in any manner. Importantly, you acknowledge and accept that may freely assign or transfer these Terms, in whole or in part, to any third party, and that the user shall not be obliged to notify such third parties in advance.

18. General.

Please keep in mind that people in positions of responsibility have the complete authority to change or close down at any time, for any cause, and without warning. The laws of the state in which the business is located shall govern the user's and company's commercial relationship, regardless of any additional legal duties. The existing Terms contain all of the terms of the agreement between the company and the user on the Site.

In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction declares any of the articles invalid, the other provisions of this agreement will still be enforceable. If any part of these Terms is not enforced, it will not be considered abandoned in conjunction with any other provision. Furthermore, if a party fails to assert any right or provision as specified in these Terms, it shall not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision. It shall be permanently barred to bring any claims related to this website if no action is taken within a year of the cause of action occurring.